2025-2 Blog Entry List
「ごみアート国際コンテスト」第1回「生徒実行委員会」 1st "Student Committee" meeting of "International Recycled Art Contest"
2月22日に、「中学生 ごみアート国際コンテスト」の第1回「生徒実行委員会」を開催しました。
また、コンテストの英語名称も無事決定しました。「International Recycled Art Contest」とします。
The first "Student Committee" meeting for the "International Recycled Art Contest for Junior High School Student" was held on February 22nd.
This was the first meeting of the committee, which is made up of junior high school students from Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Malaysia.
As this was the first time, everyone got to meet and confirm the outline of the project.
The English name of the contest was also successfully decided. It will be "International Recycled Art Contest."
We tried using UD Talk to communicate with each other, which I think went well. We seemed to be able to understand each other, mixing Japanese, English, Chinese, and Indonesian. This basically solved the English problem.
Now, we will discuss the details on Teams and hold regular video calls meeting to move the project forward.
Everyone was nervous at first, but at the end, they all said, "It was fun!" so I'm looking forward to what's to come.
クラウドファンディングの第1回ミーティング First meeting for crowdfunding.
2月14日に「For Good クラウドファンディング」の第1回ミーティングを行いました。
今回、「For Good クラウドファンディング」サービスの「いっしょプラン」というプランを選択しています。担当者と相談しながら進めるやり方です。初めてのことなので、実際にいろいろと相談しながら進めています。
On February 14, we held the first meeting for "For Good Crowdfunding."
This time, we are selecting the "Together Plan" service of "For Good Crowdfunding," which involves progressing while consulting with the person in charge. Since this is our first time, we are moving forward by discussing various matters.
There will be two formal meetings held before the start. We held the first one yesterday.
I thought I had included most of the text and photos to be published, but various points were raised during the meeting, and we will make corrections and additions accordingly.
In particular, the types and amounts of "Returns" are challenging thing. We need to finalize everything by the next meeting. It seems that the crowdfunding will start in early March.
「2025年 中学生 ごみアート国際コンテスト」打合せ "International Contest of Artwork using Garbage for Junior High School Student 2025"
2月2日に、「2025年 中学生 ごみアート国際コンテスト」の打合せを行いました。
コンテストの正式な日本語名称も「2025年 中学生 ごみアート国際コンテスト」と決まりました。英語の正式名は、4か国の「生徒実行委員会」で決める予定です。
We had a staff meeting of "International Contest of Artwork using Garbage for Junior High School Student 2025" on February 2nd.
We have reviewed the outline of the contest and the upcoming schedule.
The official Japanese name of the contest has been decided, and the official English name will be decided by the "Student Committee" of the four countries soon.
We also made preparation to use Teams and UD Talk software for Student Committee.
We will hold a Student Committee meeting among 4 coutries.
クラウドファンディングの準備を進めています。We are preparing for crowdfunding.
以前より検討していましたが、最終的に株式会社ボーダレス・ジャパンが運営する「For Goodクラウドファンディング」のサービスを利用することにしました。株式会社ボーダレス・ジャパンは、ソーシャルビジネスの分野では有名な会社ですし、創業者の田口さんの著書「9割の社会問題はビジネスで解決できる」も非常に参考になりました。また、For Goodの担当者からクラウドファンディングの案内が来たこともよいきっかけとなりました。
We at Supratarka are preparing for crowdfunding.
We had been considering it for a long time, and in the end we decided to use the "For Good Crowdfunding" service operated by Borderless Japan Co., Ltd. Borderless Japan is a well-known company in the field of social business, and the book "90% of social problems can be solved by business" by the founder, Mr. Taguchi, was very helpful. It was also a good opportunity for us to receive an invitation email to crowdfunding from For Good.
We are planning to start it in the end of February. Our goal is 2 million yen. Details will be announced later.
Thank you for your support.