
2018-11 Blog Entry List

NPO法人化に向けた総会を無事開催 The general assembly of Supratarka was held successfully.


また、来年2月開催の「2019年 小学生国際子ども会議」と3月開催の「2019年 高校生国際会議」の進行状況についても報告がありました。

A general assembly of Supratarka was held on November 24th (Sat) successfully. It is an important step to become a NPO. Agendas including the articles of Incorporation are all agreed by members.

We also discussed the next events "International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019" and "International Conference for High School Students 2019".
The theme for "International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019" is under discussion.
The theme for "International Conference for High School Students 2019" is selected as "What is an adult?", and high school student staff are now discussing the detail of the theme.