

島本町立第一小学校(大阪)と SDN Menteng 1 小学校(インドネシア)が交流

島本町立第一小学校(大阪)SDN Menteng 1 小学校(インドネシア)との間で、2月20日・27日にビデオ通話を使った交流が行われました。

Video call communication program was held between Shimamoto 1st Elementary School (Osaka) and SDN Menteng 01 Elementary School (Indonesia) on February 20th and 27th.


Supratarka provided the friendship network.


「スプラタルカ設立記念パーティー」を延期します Postponement of "Supratarka Foundation Party"




Supratarka has been authorized as NPO on June 24th 2019.

We planned to hold "Supratarka Foundation Party" on March 29, but due to Coronavirus, we decided to postpone the party.

「2020年 高校生 国際会議」開催を延期 Postponement of "International Conference for High School Students 2020"


We've decided to postpone "International Conference for High School Students 2020" due to Coronavirus, and re-schedule it for a later date. We are sorry for inconvenience.

「2020年 高校生国際会議」の募集を開始 “International Conference for High School Students 2020”

2020年3月20日(金)に開催する「2020年 高校生国際会議」の募集を開始しました。



詳しくは、International Conference ページをご覧ください。

[International Conference for High School Students 2020]
We've started recruiting students for the "International Conference for High School Students 2020" which will be held on March 20.
It is a video call conference for high school students from 4 different countries.

Details are on International Conference Page.
Please check.

海外の様子「2019年 小学生国際こども会議」 Photos of participating schools of "International Children's Conference for primary school students".

10月22日(火)に開催した「2019年 小学生国際こども会議」 の参加校(台湾、インドネシア、マレーシア)の様子を掲載しました。

Photos of participating schools (Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia) of "International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019" are added.
*Details are on "Activities" page. Please check.

JIAC沖縄「おきなわ国際協力・交流フェスティバル」に出展しました Exhibition at "Okinawa Global Festa 2019" by JICA Okinawa



We exhibited at "Okinawa Global Festa 2019" by JICA Okinawa on November 2-3.

*Details are on "Activities" page. Please check.

「2019年 小学生 国際こども会議」を無事開催 "International Conference for Primary School Students 2019" was held.

10月22日(火)に「2019年 小学生 国際こども会議」を無事開催しました。


We've held "International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019" on October 22.

*Details are on "Activities" page. Please check.

「小学生 国際こども会議」事前研修を開催 Preparation meeting of "International Children's Conference for Elementary School Students" was held.

10月12日(土)に「2019年 小学生 国際こども会議」第1回事前研修を開催しました。


We held the first preparation meeting for "International Children's Conference for Elementary School Students" on October 12.

*Details are on "Activities" page. Please check.

「2019年 小学生 国際こども会議」の募集を開始 “International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019”

2019年10月22日(火)に開催する「2019年 小学生 国際こども会議」の募集を開始しました。




詳しくは、International Conference ページをご覧ください。

[International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019]
We've started recruiting students for the "International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019" which will be held on October 22.
It is a video call conference for primary school students from 4 different countries. They are from Japan (Okinawa), Indonesia, Taiwan and Malaysia.

Details are on International Conference Page.
Please check.

特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)となりました Non-profit Organization



これからは「NPO法人 スプラタルカ」として活動を進めてまいります。

Supratarka has beed authorized as NPO (Non-profit Organization).

  Authorized as NPO: June 24, 2019
  Established as an organization: July 5, 2019

We will develop our organization as "NPO Supratarka".

「中学生国際こども会議」の他の国(学校)の様子を掲載 Photos of participating schools of "International Children's Conference for junior high school students".

「2019年 中学生国際こども会議」 の他の国(学校)の様子を掲載しました。

詳しくは、Activity ページへ

Views of participating schools of "International Children's Conference for junior high school students 2019" is uploaded.

Please check Activity page.

「2019年 中学生 国際こども会議」を無事開催 "International Conference for Junior High School Students 2019" was held.

7月15日(月)に「2019年 中学生 国際こども会議」を無事開催しました。


We've held "International Children's Conference for Junior High School Students 2019" on July 15.

*Details are on "Activities" page. Please check.

「2019年 中学生 国際こども会議」事前研修を開催 Preparation meeting of "International Conference for Junior High School Students 2019" was held.

7月6日(土)に「2019年 中学生 国際こども会議」の第1回事前研修を開催しました。


We held the first preparation meeting for "International Conference for Junior High School Students 2019" on July 6.

*Details are on "Activities" page. Please check.

「9th Social Business Day」に参加してきました We participateed "9th Social Business Day".

6月28日・29日にバンコクで開催されたソーシャルビジネスに関する世界大会「9th Social Business Day」に参加してきました。



We joined "9th Social Business Day" held on June 28, 29 in Bangkok.

*Details are uploaded to our Facebook page. Please check.

「9th Social Business Day」に参加 We will participate "9th Social Business Day".

6月28日・29日に、バンコクでソーシャルビジネスに関する世界大会「9th Social Business Day」が開催されます。




"9th Social Business Day" will be held on June 28, 29 in Bangkok, and we are going to participate the world wide event as last year held in India. This time, we will be 3 members.

This time we are going to present our program at "Country Forum" during "9th Social Business Day".

*Details will be uploaded to our Facebook page. Please check.