「2019年 国際子ども会議」(小学生版)実行委員会開催 Committee Meeting of "International Children's Conference 2019".
1月19日(土)に「2019年 国際子ども会議」(小学生版)の実行委員会を開催しました。
We held a committee meeting of "International Children's Conference 2019" (for primary school students) on January 19th.We discussed the details with the plan of the conference. Also we discussed the schedule to prepare things for the conference.
There were only 3 Supratarka members and 1 volunteer staff (junior high school student) participated at the meeting.
We expect enough staff coming to the next preparation & training meeting on February 2nd.
「2019年 国際こども会議」(小学生)の募集を開始 International Children's Conference 2019 for Primary School Students
2019年2月11日(月)に開催する「2019年 国際こども会議」(小学生)の募集を開始しました。
詳しくは、International Conference ページをご覧ください。
[International Children's Conference 2019]
We've started recruiting students for the "International Children's Conference 2019" which will be held on February 11th.
It is a video call conference for primary school students from 4 different countries. They are from Japan (Okinawa), Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia.
Details are on International Conference Page.
Please check.
「2019年 高校生国際会議」打ち合わせ Meeting for "International Conference 2019 for High School Students".
12月16日(日)に「2019年 高校生国際会議」の打ち合わせを行いました。
We held a meeting for "International Conference 2019 for High School Students" on December 16th.
We discuss the progress of preparation for the conference. Also we discussed the schedule of process to hold the conference.
Also we agreed to set some questions according to the main theme "What is an adult?" during the conference to facilitate the discussion.
This conference is mainly organized by high school students, then we are finding ways to organize it together.
The next meeting will be held in January.
「2019年 国際子ども会議」(小学生版)打ち合わせ Meeting for "International Children's Conference 2019".
12月1日(土)に「2019年 国際子ども会議」(小学生版)の打ち合わせを行いました。
We held a meeting for "International Children's Conference 2019" (for primary school students) on December 1st.
We discussed the theme of the conference which is not confirmed yet.
Now we have selected the theme. "What is a friend?"
We ask some actual questions, and they will discuss through those questions.
It wll be held on February 11, 2019.
A program plan will be shared soon.
NPO法人化に向けた総会を無事開催 The general assembly of Supratarka was held successfully.
また、来年2月開催の「2019年 小学生国際子ども会議」と3月開催の「2019年 高校生国際会議」の進行状況についても報告がありました。
A general assembly of Supratarka was held on November 24th (Sat) successfully. It is an important step to become a NPO. Agendas including the articles of Incorporation are all agreed by members.
We also discussed the next events "International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019" and "International Conference for High School Students 2019".
The theme for "International Children's Conference for Primary School Students 2019" is under discussion.
The theme for "International Conference for High School Students 2019" is selected as "What is an adult?", and high school student staff are now discussing the detail of the theme.
NPO法人化に向けた総会開催 The general assembly to be certificated as a NPO.
A general assembly of Supratarka will be held on November 24th (Sat). It is an important assembly to become a NPO. It is one of procedures to be certificated as a NPO.
Supratarka will finally become a NPO in next year.
「2019年 高校生国際会議」開催決定! "International Conference 2019 for High School Students" will be held.
詳細は、「International Conference」ページに掲載していきます。
International Conference 2019 for High School Students
We've decided to hold an International Conference for High School Students!
We had the first meeting to organize the conference on October 21. This time, high school students staff are the main staff to organize it. Supratarka will support them.
The conference will be held on March 21.
4 countries students will get together on a screen, and discuss on a certain theme.
Details will be updated on International Conference page.
「2018年 国際こども会議」の英語版報告書を掲載しました。 English report is ready.
2018年7月16日(月)に開催した「2018年 国際こども会議」の英語版報告書を International Conference ページに掲載しました。
The English report of the "International Children's Conference 2018" is uploaded to International Conference page.
「2018年 国際こども会議」の報告書を掲載しました
2018年7月16日(月)に開催した「2018年 国際こども会議」の報告書を International Conference ページに掲載しました。
The report of the "International Children's Conference 2018" is uploaded to International Conference page.
「2018年 国際こども会議」のようすを掲載しました
2018年7月16日(月)に開催した「2018年 国際こども会議」のようすを Activities ページに掲載しました。
An article of "International Children's Conference 2018" is uploaded to Activities page.
第二回事前研修(「2018年 国際こども会議」)のようすを掲載しました
2018年7月16日(月)に開催した第二回事前研修のようすを Activities ページに掲載しました。
An article of the prior training of "International Children's Conference 2018" is uploaded to the Activities page.
第一回事前研修(「2018年 国際こども会議」)のようすを掲載しました
2018年7月14日(土)に開催した第一回事前研修のようすを Activities ページに掲載しました。
An article of the prior training of "International Children's Conference 2018" is uploaded to the Activities page.
「2017年 国際こども会議」のようすを掲載しました
2017年10月22日(日)に開催した「2017年 国際こども会議」のようすを Activities ページに掲載しました。
An article of "International Children's Conference 2017" is uploaded to Activities page.
6月2日(土)に、恩納村博物館1階研修室において、「2018年 国際こども会議」実行委員会を開催しました。
「2018年 国際こども会議」開催についての、一通りの説明と確認を行いました。
We had a committee meeting of "International Children's Conference 2018" on June 2nd.
Activities ページ追加
サイトにActivities のページを追加しました。
Activities page is added to our site.
Activities of Supratarka will be uploaded soon.
Facebook に「2018年 国際こども会議」のイベント情報追加
Facebook に「2018年 国際こども会議」のイベント情報を追加しました。
Information of "International Children's Conference 2018" is added to the Event Tab of Facebook Page.
「2018年 国際こども会議」の資料改版
「2018年 国際こども会議」の資料のいくつかを改版しました。
また、「スプラタルカ参加校」に南新國民中學、Batu Kawan中等学校を追加しました。
Some documents of "International Children's Conference 2018" are revised.
Also, "Nan-Shin Junior High School" and "Batu Kawan Secondary School" are added to Memeber Schools List.
「2018年 国際こども会議」参加者募集開始
7月16日(月)に開催する「2018年 国際こども会議」の募集を開始しました。
詳しくは、International Conferenceページをご覧ください。
[International Children's Conference 2018]
We've started recruiting students for the "International Children's Conference 2018" which will be held on July 16th.
It is a video call conference for junior high school students (and at their age) from 4 different countries. They are Japanese (Okinawa), Taiwanese, Thai and Malay.
Details are on International Conference Page.
Please check.
「国際こども会議」開催情報 "International Children's Conference 2018" information
カレンダーに、「2018年 国際こども会議」開催に関する情報を掲載しました。
The information about "International Children's Conference 2018" is uploaded on the Calendar page.
There was Friendship Program events on March 1st between Moromi Elementary School (Okinawa in Japan) and Hopin Elementary School (Keelung City in Taiwan) based on Supratarka network.
You can check the detail at Moromi Elementary School web site.