Supratarka Activities



「2017年 国際こども会議」でアイデアを発表するために作成した資料を紹介します。

<Japan> Buid special museums around the world which have rocket elevators, and everybody can travel easily around the world with the rocket elevators!  *No charge for children.


    ロケットエレベータの中  Inside the rocket elevator

   ロケットエレベーターのドア  Rocket elevator front door

   ロケットエレベーターのチケット  Ticket of the rocket elecator.

<Thailand>  Make Sky train system around the world so that we can travel everywhere in the world.


<Taiwan>  Build  huge slides between countries, and slide down to other countries to visit.


<Japan>  Build huge bridges between countries, and visit other countries freely.