Supratarka Activities


「大学生 地球市民会議」分科会 Subcommittee Meeting of "Global Communication for University Students"

「大学生 地球市民会議」は、現在6つの分科会に分かれて、交流や議論を行っています。

"Global Communication for University Students" is currently divided into six Subcommittees where interactions and discussions are held.
Due to delays in recruiting participants, the holding of subcommittees was also delayed, but some groups could hold video call meeting.
We hope that as participants introduce themselves and their daily lives, they will begin to discuss themes.
The management of subcommittees is up to the leaders, so the frequency and schedule of meetings vary from group to group.
We hope that by gathering in small groups, participants will become closer to each other.

「中学生 地球市民会議」第1回スタッフ会議 1st staff meeting of "Global Communication for Junior High School Students"

8月13日に、「2024年 中学生 地球市民会議」の第1回スタッフ会議を開催しました。

We had the 1st staff meeting of "Global Communication for Junior High School Students 2024" on August 13.
The main topic was the theme. We were relieved that we could select the theme.

「大学生 地球市民会議」第11回リーダー会議 開催 11th Leaders Meeting of "Global Communication for University Students"

8月4日に、「大学生 地球市民会議」の第11回リーダー会議を開催しました。


We had the 11th leaders meeting of "Global Communication for University Students" on August 4.

There are not many applicants yet, but we will be holding "Subcommittees" starting this weekend. There will be 7 Subcommittees led by 7 leaders, and participants will be divided into small groups to communicate with each other. There will be about 5 participants from three countries, so we hope that they will be able to have casual discussions. We plan to use "UD Talk" as a tool for better communication.