Supratarka Activities

2024-7 Blog Entry List

「小学生 地球市民会議」第9回(最終)スタッフ会議 9th staff meeting of "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

7月12日に、「2024年 小学生 地球市民会議」の第9回スタッフ会議を開催しました。


We had the 9th staff meeting of "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on July 12.

This will be our last staff meeting.
We summarized the "Global Communication for Primary School Students" held on June 30th and shared our thoughts on the volunteer work so far.
We are very grateful for their help over such a long period of time since our first meeting in March. We hope that it was a fruitful experience. We would also like to thank all the volunteers who helped with the pre-training and main conference.

「大学生 地球市民会議」第9回リーダー会議 開催 9th Leaders Meeting of "Global Communication for University Students"

7月13日に、「大学生 地球市民会議」の第9回リーダー会議を開催しました。


We had the 9th leaders meeting of "Global Communication for University Students" on July 13.

This time, the details of the program have been decided.
July: Recruitment period
August - September: Subcommittee meetings in small groups
September - October: Preparatory meetings at each country
October 26th: Plenary Conference

The poster, plan details, and online application form are almost ready, and we can finally start recruiting.
Although it is a little late, we are planning to hold subcommittee meetings from August. It will be online meetings with participants from three countries (Japan, Philippines, Taiwan). Then it will surely be exciting!

「小学生地球市民会議」を無事開催 "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" was held successfully.

6月30日(日)に「2024年 小学生地球市民会議」を無事開催しました。

We've held "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on June 30th successfully.
Primary school students from Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka gathered on a screen and interact together according to the theme.

テーマ:「教えて!あなたのくらし」  -宗教と生活の関わりを知ろう-
Theme: "Tell us about your daily life!”  (Let’s see the relationship between religion and life)

期 日:2024年6月30日(日) June 30th (Sun) 日本時間14:00 - 16:00

参加者:各国の小学生 Primary School Students

参加国:日本 (Japan):沖縄の高校生 from various schools in Okinawa
    マレーシア (Malaysia):Taman Merak Primary School students
    スリランカ (Sri Lanka):from various schools in Sri Lanka

会 場:日本:読谷村文化センター (Yomitan-son Cultural Center)

<事前研修> Preparation meeting

We had the second meeting before the main event. We completed the panels for presentation and had rehearsal.

【本会議】【Plenary Session】

<学校紹介> School Introduction

We started from School Introduction.

<持ち物紹介> School items

We show school items to each other.

ランドセルの紹介。Typical school bag in Japan.

お互いの教科書の紹介。Textbooks to each other.


<テーマに沿った紹介> Presentations according to the theme.

They introduce 2 events or festivals according to the theme.

Japan side introduced "Tug of War" festival and "Muchi" event.

As for Tug of War, we showed Naha Otsuyahiki video.

As for Muchi, we introduces a story of Oni (Japanese demon).

実際のムーチーも紹介しました。We showed the real Muchi too.

マレーシア側は、イスラム教の「Hari Raya Aidil Fitri」という祭りと、ヒンドゥー教の「Thaipusam」という祭りを紹介してくれました。
From Malaysia, they introduced "Hari Raya Aidil Fitri" festival for Muslim, and "Thaipusam" festival for Hindu.

スリランカ側は、「Vesak」の祭りと「Thai Pongal Festival」を紹介してくれました。
From Sri Lanka, they introduced "Vesak celebrations" and "Thai Pongal Festival".

As for cultural introduction, we performed Karate.

At the free question time, we showed a popular game, and realized that there is a very similar game in Malaysia.We both played it on line.

We came to the end with lots of fun.

After the event, we summarized it.



It was very unfortunate that there were only two participants this time, but their performance was really admirable.
The "Tug of War" and "Muchi" that the Japanese side introduced this time have meanings such as praying for a good harvest and warding off evil spirits. We decided to introduce these two because Japan and Okinawa have traditions of worshiping & respecting nature and honoring ancestors.

<マレーシア側資料> Photos at Malaysia side.

<スリランカ側資料> Photos at Sri Lanka side.