Supratarka Activities


「中学生国際会議」事前研修を開催 Preparation meeting of "Global Communication for Junior High School Students"

11月21日(日)に「中学生 国際会議」の事前研修を行いました。

 今回のテーマは、「あなたは、どのような人になりたいですか? それはどうして?」ですが、将来の目標について、なかなか楽しみな言葉が出ていたので本番が楽しみです。他国の子ども達にも分かりやすいように写真などを活用することを提案しました。

We held a preparation meeting for "Global Communication for Junior High school Students" on November 21st.
Students from Hokkaido, Kanagawa and Okinawa will join. Today just 2 students joined because the rest of students were busy.

We discussed and shared ideas and opinions according to the theme "What do you want to become in the future? and Why?".

「高校生国際会議」を無事開催 "International Conference for High School Students 2021" was held successfully.

7月23日(金)に「2021年 高校生国際会議」を無事開催しました。



期 日:2021年7月23日(金) July 23rd (Fri) 日本時間14:00 - 16:00

参加者:各国の高校生 (High School Students from 3 countries.)  *10 students each.


 日本(全国) all over Japan

 シンガポール Singapore
          Kranji Secondary School

 台湾(台南市) Tainan city, Taiwan

会 場:各家庭 from home

We've held "International Conference for High School Students 2021" on July 23rd successfully.

Students from 3 countries (Japan, Singapore, Taiwan) gathered on a screen and discussed together.

The theme was “Propose a plan which is good for the earth.”


 <学校紹介> School Introduction

  日本 Japan

  シンガポール Singapore

  台湾 Taiwan


<『地球にいいこと』についての提案> Proposal which is good for the earth

  日本 Japan





We propsed a solution of plastic garbage problem. It is a solution system using recycled plastic business cards.

Q: Is it popular using plastic business cards in Japan?
A: Paper business cards are popular in Japan. (Taiwan too.)

Q: There are various types of recycled business cards. Then why you chose recycled plastic business cards?
A: Because most of us are interested in plastic issue. That's why we focused on recycled plastic business cards.

Q: It seems to be difficult for us to produce recycled plastic business cards by ourselves. Then what do you think we can do by ourselves for this issue?
A: We may propose this kind of project, and get support by government or companies.

  シンガポール Singapore

シンガポール側は、生物の多様性について、国や学校における取組の紹介があった。例えば、国全体の目標として、10年間に100万本の木を植えることなど。また、例えば生徒の中から「Green Ambassador(緑の大使)」を選んで活動を推進していることなど。


Singapore side introduced Biodiversity projects in Singapore and schools.For example "ONE MILLION TREES MOVEMENT" is a nationwide effort to plant one million trees in 10 years. Also they have "Green Ambassadors" to promote biodiversity projects at school.

Q: It takes time to let trees grow.Then what do you think we can do in daily life?
A: We can use eco-friendly bags or we can use public transportation or bicycles instead of family cars.
Taiwan: we have "Plant trees day" in Taiwan.

  台湾 Taiwan



A:少しはある。 日本:少しはある。


Taiwan side also introduced solutions to plastic garbage problems.
They said we should make it as our habit and life style to use eco-friendly gadgets, for example we can use eco bags or "my straw", "my chop sticks".

Q: How much is a plastic bag when we use at a store?
A: It is almost the same price as in Japan.

Q: Are there stores selling items with refilling system?
A: There are some.  Japan: There are some also.

Q: Is glass straw not dangerous?
A: Not really.

There are more comments during discussion.


例えば、「オリンピックで楽しみにしている競技は何ですか?」「夜の時間はどう過ごしているのですか? (台湾にはナイトマーケットがあります。)」「授業は何時間あるのですか?」

We had "Free question time" after serious discussion.

They exchanged varous questions like "What is your favorite sport during Olympic games?" "How do you spend time during night time?" (In Taiwan, we have Night Markets.) "How long do you study at school?" etc.





It is always true that there is not enough time to communicate to each other during a conference.

As for Japan side, it seems that we couldn't present very well why we focused on business cards this time. Business card is the first item we exchange when we meet a business person at the first time. At that time we introduce myself and my company with the business card. Then it is a very good chance to introduce plastic recycle topics such as how we or our company is involved.

Also we were discussing potential of recycled business cards which can be made of various kind of recycled materials during prepation meetings. It could be made of banana paper, sugarcane bagasse, etc.

It took long time to prepare their proposals because the theme "Propose a plan which is good for the earth" is tough.
We hope it helps them to think more about our earth and act for the earth.

「高校生国際会議」第2回事前研修を開催 2nd Preparation meeting of "International Conference for High School Students"

7月18日(日)に「高校生 国際会議」の第2回事前研修を行いました。

研修で終わり切れなかったので、全体の内容を確認したうえで、ページごとに担当を割り振って協同作業で提案資料を作成しています。Google Slide というツールに馴染んでないので手間がかかっていますが、慣れればオンラインで同時進行で作業できるので便利な道具です。


We held the 2nd preparation meeting for "International Conference for High school Students" on July 18th.
Students from Hyogo, Fukuoka and Okinawa joined.

The theme "Propose a plan which is good for the earth." is not an easy issue at all. Actually we couldn't complete the proposal document, and now we are working together on Google Slide to complete it.

Our proposal is getting better and better.
We are looking forward to joining the conference on July 23rd.

「高校生国際会議」第1回事前研修を開催 1st Preparation meeting of "International Conference for High School Students"

7月11日(日)に「高校生 国際会議」の事前研修を行いました。


We held a 1st preparation meeting for "International Conference for High school Students" on July 11th.
Students from Hyogo, Fukuoka and Okinawa joined.

The theme "Propose a plan which is good for the earth." is not an easy issue at all. Then we keep preparation meetings two times.
It was a very good meeting.We shared individual ideas first and discussed according to the theme.
Finally we could find a certain conclusion as the "Proposal from Japan".
We are looking forward to joining the conference on July 23rd.


「高校生国際会議」担当者会議を開催 Staff meeting of "International Conference for High School Students"


今回、初めてGoogle Meet を使うこともあり、システムの動作確認や、会議全般について話し合いました。



We had a staff meeting of "International Conference for High School Students" on June 23. (Japan, Singapore, Taiwan)

This is the first time to use Google Meet for a conference event, then we checked together how it works. Also we discussed details of the conference.

Students are studying online from homes in Singapore and Taiwan. Life is really serious in most countries.

We are expecting interesting plans which is good for the earth at the conference.

「小学生国際会議」を無事開催 "International Conference for Primary School Students 2021" was held successfully.

3月28日(日)に「2021年 小学生国際会議」を無事開催しました。



期 日:2021年3月28日(日) March 28th (Sun) 日本時間14:00 - 16:00

参加者:各国の小学生 (Primary School Students from 3 countries.)  *10 students each.


 日本 all over Japan

 シンガポール Singapore
          Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School

 タイ(バンコク) Bangkok, Thailand
          Rachawinit School

会 場:各家庭 from home

We've held "International Conference for Primary School Students 2021" on March 28th successfully.

Students from 3 countries (Japan, Singapore, Thailand) gathered on a screen and discussed together.

The theme was “What did you realize through experiencing the threat of Coronavirus?”



<学校紹介>  "School Introduction"


Firstly, we introduce our schools. We started from Japan side. As for Japan side, students join from different areas. Then we introduced schools in Okinawa and Hokkaido.

    沖縄の小学校の紹介 Okinawa    北海道の小学校の紹介(写真は雪だるま) Hokkaido (snowman)

  タイの小学校の紹介 Rachawinit 校の紹介  Thailand

  シンガポールの小学校の紹介 Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School の紹介 Singapore


<持ち物紹介>  "Introduction of school items"


Then we moved to "Introduction of school items". Students showed school items they normally use at school.
This topic includes cultural exchange.
They introduced their textbooks, products during lessons, musical instruments, pen case, ...



理科の実験道具だそうです。 A tool at science class. (Electric light?)




学校で使っているギター  Personal Guitar at school.


段ボールで作ったウクレレ  Ukulele made by cardboard.


学校行事で使うマイク MIC for school activities.

教科書 Text book.


会議 「新型コロナウィルスの危機を経験して、あなたは何を思いましたか?」
              “What did you realize through experiencing the threat of Coronavirus?”

We asked everyone to fill the worksheet to answer the question in advance. We asked students to raise their hands to express their own opinions. They can express with their language. We translate into English if needed.

They were very active to express their opinions.


<自由質問>  "Fee questions"


After the main theme, we had "Free question" time. Students can ask any questions to each other.
Anime is very popular for students in many countries. Now "Demon Slayer"(「鬼滅の刃」)is popular.



This is the first time we invited students from all over Japan.
It is still difficult to organize an activity to gather all students at one place, but there are some alternative merits to organize activities joining from homes.
We will continue organizing activities together with these 2 types according to cases.

「小学生国際会議」事前研修を開催 Preparation meeting of "International Conference for Primary School Students"

3月21日(日)に「小学生 国際会議」の事前研修を行いました。

We held a preparation meeting for "International Conference for Primary School Students" on March 21st.
Students from Hokkaido, Kanagawa and Okinawa joined.

「中学生国際会議」を無事開催 "International Conference for Junior High School Students 2020" was held successfully.

11月22日(日)に「2020年 中学生国際会議」を無事開催しました。


今回のテーマは、「コロナ後の世界に向けて」(「After the threat of Corona virus」)です。

期 日:2020年11月22日(日) November 22nd (Sun) 日本時間14:00 - 16:00

参加者:各国の中学生 (Junior High School Students from 3 countries.)  *10 students each.


 日本(沖縄) Okinawa, Japan
   Unna Junior High School
 タイ(バンコク) Bangkok, Thailand
          Rachawinit School
 マレーシア(ペナン) Penang, Malaysia
         Bukit Mertajam High School (HSBM)

会 場:各家庭 from home

We've held "International Conference for Junior High School Students 2020" on November 22nd successfully.

Students from 3 countries (Japan, Malysia, Thailand) gathered on a screen and discussed together.

The theme was “After the threat of Corona virus”
              What do you think you need for yourself after the threat of Corona virus?
              What do you think we need for our society after the threat of Corona virus?


 ところが、いざ学校の端末でビデオ通話を始めようとしたところ、つながりません。数日前の通信試験で問題なかったので安心していたのですが、どうやら学校のセキュリティの問題のようです。そこで、急遽パソコン教室を使って参加することになりました。ヒヤヒヤものでした! (会議が遅れてもうしわけありません。)

We orginazed the meeting which students participate individually from home.
But students (Japan side) wanted to come to school to see each other, then we shared students in different classes and joined the conference separately. Unfortunately it didn't work on that day, probably because the school security system. We did connection test in advance and it was OK. Finally we gatherd to Computer Room and joined the conference together.
Malaysia side seemed to be alright. Thai side had some kind of trouble and couldn't join fully.









「中学生国際会議」事前研修を開催 Preparation meeting of "International Conference for Junior High School Students"

11月14日(土)に「2020年 中学生国際会議」の事前研修を開催しました。

We held a preparation meeting for "International Conference for Junior High School Students" on November 14th.




We did "Self introduction", "Introduction of participating schools", "Sharing opinions according to the theme", "Making documents to introduce Unna JHS".


タイ(Rachawinit School)、マレーシア(Bukit Mertajam High School)の紹介を映像を交えて行いました。



「高校生国際会議」を無事開催 "International Conference for High School Students 2020" was held successfully.

9月6日(日)に「2020年 高校生国際会議」を無事開催しました。


今回のテーマは、「世界の平和に向けて」(「Towards World Peace」)です。


期 日:2020年9月6日(日) September 6th (Sun) 日本時間14:00 - 16:00

参加者:各国の高校生 有志 (High School Students from 4 countries.)

 日本(沖縄) Okinawa, Japan:  Students from different schools.
 シンガポール Singapore: Kranji  Secondary School
 スリランカ Sri Lanka:  Parakramabahu National School
 フィリピン Philippines:  Ceriaco A. Abes Memorial National High School

会場:各家庭 from home

We've held "International Conference for High School Students 2020" on September 6th successfully.

Students from 4 countries (Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Philippines) gathered on a screen and discussed together.

The theme was “Towards World Peace”
              Through experiences of the threat of Corona virus, why do you think we need world peace?
              How do we develop world peace after the threat of Corona virus?

We orginazed a meeting where students participate individually from home.
It is valuable to share ideas under the threat of Coronavirus, because this crisis is really global.

They were exchanging ideas and opinions how we can develop world peace together quite actively.

シンガポールから頂いた写真です。 Photo from Singapore.

They were a little bit nervous at the begining.

Each side introduced their current situation under the threat of Corona virus.


Each side was quite active expressing their ideas and opinions.

It was actually difficult to find students who are ready to express their ideas, because of many small windows.


 After the conference, we held a summary all together to collect their impressions for today. They seemed to be very happy to have joined today's conference.