Supratarka Activities

2025-1 Blog Entry List

SDN Ungaran 1 Yogyakarta 訪問 Courtesy visit to SDN Ungaran 1 Yogyakarta

 12月17日に、ジョグジャカルタ(インドネシア)のSDN Ungaran 1 Yogyakarta(小学校)を訪問しました。

<Courtesy visit to SDN Ungaran 1 Yogyakarta>
On December 17th, I visited SDN Ungaran 1 Yogyakarta (elementary school) in Yogyakarta (Indonesia).
This school has had a long-standing relationship with Onna Elementary School in Onna Village, Okinawa Prefecture. Since I have been involved from the planning of the event at Onna Elementary School, I decided to visit the school again this time.
I had contacted them through Ms. Ria, who was in charge of the event at that time, and they really welcomed me!
I was not able to see the actual class, but they made a special effort to gather the children from their gamelan club activities so that I could watch them perform. As for the gamelan, I even had the opportunity to try playing a gong, thanks to the arrangements
made by Ms. Kustiyar, who is the gamelan teacher.
I am so grateful for the warm welcome I received from the principal, Ms. Ria, and all the other teachers.
We have promised to continue to work together to promote communication on a global level among children.