Supratarka Activities


「小学生 地球市民会議」マレーシア側とのシステムテスト System test with Malaysia side for "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

 6月27日に、「2024年 小学生 地球市民会議」のマレーシア側とのシステム試験を再度行いました。

We had a system test with Malaysia side for "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on June 27 again.
Everything is fine. We also had a short rehearsal.
We are looking foward to seeing them soon!

「小学生 地球市民会議」第1回事前研修 First Preparation meeting of "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

6月22日に、「2024年 小学生 地球市民会議」の第1回事前研修を行いました。

We had the first preparation meeting for "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on June 22.
Unfortunately there are not many participants this time yet, but the preparation meeting was successful.
We are looking forward to meeting students from other countries!

「小学生 地球市民会議」マレーシア側とのシステムテスト System test with Malaysia side for "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

 6月14日に、「2024年 小学生 地球市民会議」のマレーシア側とのシステム試験を行いました。

We had a system test with Malaysia side for "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on June 14.
There was MIC problem, but we could solve it this time.
Students said "We are looking forward to jon the event!".

「小学生地球市民会議」募集記事掲載 "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on newspapers.


Articles of "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" was on newspapers.



「小学生 地球市民会議」募集記事掲載の依頼 Request for an article publication of recruitment for "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

5月19日に沖縄タイムス社を訪ね、「小学生 地球市民会議」募集記事の掲載をお願いしてきました。

We visited The Okinawa Times, and requested for an article publication of recruitment for "Global Communication for Primary School Students" on May 19.
We took some pictures because the view is so nice from the flower of the editorial department which is located on the 11th floor!

「小学生 地球市民会議」マレーシア側との打ち合わせ Meeting with Malaysia side staff of "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

5月8日に、「2024年 小学生 地球市民会議」のマレーシア側スタッフとの打ち合わせを行いました。
Taman Merak小学校は、今回初めての参加となるので、プログラムの概要から装置の構成、今回の会議の詳細まで、時間をかけて話し合いを行いました。多くの先生が参加されたので、その意気込みを感じたところです。

We had a meeting with staff of Malaysia side for "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on May 8.
Since this was the first time for Taman Merak Primary School to participated in the program, we spent much time to discuss the outline of the program, equipments setting, details of the conferene and etc. I could see their interent, because of their number of teachers at the meeting.
There was a problem with part of the system. Then they will solve it untill the next meeting.
We spent enough time for the meeting, and they seemed to be much more relieved.

「大学生 地球市民会議」第5回リーダー会議 開催 5th Leaders Meeting of "Global Communication for University Students"

 4月25日に、「大学生 地球市民会議」の第5回リーダー会議を開催しました。


We had the 5rd leaders meeting of "Global Communication for University Students" on April 25.

The theme has been decided successfully.
We decided to introduce specific examples of "regional revitalization" to each other.
We will introduce 2 examples of "regional revitalization" in each country.
It can also be an example related to the participant's field of study.
Firstly, in a subcommittee, each participant will introduce specific examples of "regional revitalization" to each other, and discuss among them. Students from three countries are in a subcommittee, then it will be a case study beyond national boundaries.
Then, at each country, 2 valuable examples will be selected which will be worthwhile introducing and presenting at the main conference. Of course, in addition to the presentations, in-depth questions, opinions, and suggestions regarding each case study from the conference participants are expected.
Anyway, the theme has been decided. The project has been proceeded.

「小学生 地球市民会議」スリランカ側との打ち合わせ Meeting with Sri Lanka staff of "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

4月26日に、「2024年 小学生 地球市民会議」のスリランカ側スタッフとの打ち合わせを行いました。

We had a meeting with staff of Sri Lanka side for "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on April 26.
It was the first time for Sri Lanka side to organize this kind of program. Then we discussed the basic idea of the program, and also explained the whole system for video call at the conference.
We are happy that they are very much attentive. Also their words "This kind of opportunity is very precious for children in Sri Lanka." reaffirm the significance of our activities

「小学生 地球市民会議」第5回スタッフ会議 5th staff meeting of "Global Communication for Primary School Students"

4月12日に、「2024年 小学生 地球市民会議」の第5回スタッフ会議を開催しました。

We had the 5th staff meeting of "Global Communication for Primary School Students 2024" on April 12.
We could mostly complete the documents and a poster for the program. Then we will start announcing the program to schools and newspaper companies.

「大学生 地球市民会議」第4回リーダー会議 開催 4th Leaders Meeting of "Global Communication for University Students"

4月11日に、「大学生 地球市民会議」の第4回リーダー会議を開催しました。


We had the 4rd leaders meeting of "Global Communication for University Students" on April 11.

This time, we mainly discussed the details of the theme.
We discussed the new idea which was expressed at the last meeting, and eventually we moved in that direction.
We need to decide the theme by the next meeting.