Supratarka Activities


「高校生地球市民会議」を無事開催 "Global Communication for High School Students 2023" was held successfully.

11月23日(木)に「2023年 高校生地球市民会議」を無事開催しました。

We've held "Global Communication for High School Students 2023" on November 23rd successfully.
High school students from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia gathered on a screen and discussed together according to the theme.


Theme: "2043.11.23" (Society and myself after 20 years.)
              *Imagine what society and myself will be like 20 years from now, showing evidences.

期 日:2023年11月23日(木) November 23rd (Thu) 日本時間15:00 - 18:00

参加者:各国の高校生 High School Students (15 - 18 years old)

参加国:日本 (Japan):沖縄の高校生 from various schools in Okinawa
    マレーシア (Malaysia):Batu Kawan Secondary School students
    タイ (Thailand):Rachawinit School students

会 場:日本:読谷村文化センター (Yomitan-son Cultural Center)、マレーシア・タイ:学校内 (at school)

タイ側の様子 Thai side:

Each side prepared 2 different presentations according to the theme.

The theme was "Society in 20 years," and we were looking forward to seeing what kind of content would come out in each country,
Basically there seemed to be not very different from each other, such as bright futures and un-bright futures.
In that sense, Japan's image of an un-bright future had a different perspective.
The subtitle was set as "Excessive Diversity and Japan".
Diversity is basically a good thing, but if it goes too far, problems may arise ...

Anyway, we hope that was a valuable experience for all participants.

「高校生 地球市民会議」の事前研修(1回目)Fist Preliminary Meeting for "Global Communication for High School Students"


The first preliminary meeting was held on November 12th.
Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, this was the first time in four years that we could gather in a same place.
Although there are not many applicants yet, the high school students who participated actively offered their opinions and ideas.
There were opinions on both sides, whether it is a bright future or a grim future.
In the end, we will summarize two predictions (ideas) about what the future will look like in 20 years.
We will have two presentations from each country and discuss them.
The next meeting will be held online.

漢那小学校と新民國民小學との交流 Global Communication between Kanna ES & Sinmin ES





On July 11, 2023, an online exchange was held between Kanna Elementary School in Ginoza Village, Okinawa and Sinmin Elementary School in Tainan City, Taiwan.
Through our network of exchanges, Supratarka introduced partner schools, and also gave general support for the exchange.

This is the first time for both schools to try onlie international exchange.
In that sense, we interacted mainly by introducing each other.
1. Introduction of region
2. Introduction of school
3. Cultural introduction (demonstration)
4. Free questions

As an introduction to culture, Kanna Elementary School performed Eisa dance and Sanshin performance. Sinmin Elementary School performed Chinese Diabolo and introduced traditional cuisine.

They seemed nervous at first, but they gradually opened up to each other and seemed to enjoy each other.



「高校生地球市民会議」を無事開催 "Global Communication for High School Students 2022" was held successfully.

9月25日(日)に「2022年 高校生地球市民会議」を無事開催しました。

We've held "Global Communication for High School Students 2022" on September 25th successfully.
Participants from different countries gathered on a screen and discussed together.

テーマ:「この問題どう解決したらいいですか? 知恵を貸してください!」

Theme: “How can I solve this problem? Please share your wisdom!”
              (Let's share ideas about Earth-friendly things that each of us are concerned about.)

期 日:2022年9月25日(日) September 25th (Sun) 日本時間14:00 - 17:00

参加者:各国の高校生 High School Students (15 - 18 years old)

Nationality: Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Egypt, India, Korea

会 場:各家庭 from home


At this time, participants were working on SNS(LINE) with words in advance.
Participants are divided into 3 groups, and introduced themselves and exchange topics of daily life and also discuss together according to the theme on SNS.
After that, we had the plenary session.
This time, instead of summarizing the discussion, we decided to introduce each other's thoughts on environmental issues. In that sense, the discussion was not very much focused on a certain topic.


二酸化炭素を削減する行動をしたらポイントがもらえる仕組みを作ったらどうか? (例えば、公共交通機関を利用したりエコバッグを利用したら、ポイントがもらえるなど。)

マレーシアでは、「No Plastic Monday」がある。


Here are some of the discussions:

<Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions>
The increase in carbon dioxide also affects the oceans, causing "ocean acidification." As a countermeasure, why not relocate the factory and keep it away from the sea?
How about introducing a “carbon tax”?
I think developed countries should take more responsibility because they emit a lot.
What we can do is plant trees and increase greenery in order to absorb carbon dioxide.
We can make a system where we can get "points" if we act to reduce carbon dioxide. (For example, if we use public transportation or use eco bags, we can get points.)

<about the problem of plastic waste>
We should appeal more to big companies.
In Malaysia, there is "No Plastic Monday".
I hope that biodegradable plastics will spread quickly.

<about garbage problems>
The mask is not easily disassembled. Then we better use disposable masks and reusable masks rationally.

「高校生 地球市民会議」のグループ会議 Group Meeting for "Global Communication for High School Students"

 9月10日と12日に、「高校生 地球市民会議」グループごとの会議を開催しました。
 各グループごとに、既にSNS(LINE Group)上では自己紹介や学校の話などの交流が始まっています。3つのグループに分かれて交流しています。まずは、お互いの顔合わせという意味で、今回ミーティングを行いました。

Group Meetings for "Global Communication for High Scool Students" were held on September 10th and 12th.
Exchange activities are already started on SNS (LINE Group) in 3 groups. They held these meetings so that they could see each other.
They are going to have discussions on SNS according to the theme from this week.


